“Button, button, who’s got the button?” ask the children who have played this traditional game for more than a century. The first buttons appeared over 3,000 years ago and were originally used for decoration. Functional buttons for clothing made their debut in Europe in the 13th century. Buttons of great value and artistry were worn in France by the aristocracy; the peasants were permitted to use only cloth. In 1520 King Francis I of France, bedecked with 13,600 buttons, met King Henry VIII of England who was similarly covered with the elite symbol of status and ornamentation.
This fabulous sheath of black Lastex faille is total glam with the adornment of shining white buttons. It was produced by Jantzen 1953 and named “pick-a-pocket”. The retail price was $19.95. Our ancestors in the Bronze Age got it right to begin with and so did we, proving that the button and the brand remain timeless representatives of status and beauty.